Know Your Strengths. Be Prepared. Be Exceptional.

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Kolbe A measures the instinctive ways you take action and approach work (e.g. problem solve). Teams move ahead by leaps and bounds when everyone knows how they, and those around them, best solve problems. Use your Kolbe A results to be more productive, communicate better & be less stressed.

Small Team Kickstart Package

Kolbe A index assessments for 3 to 5 people

90 minute (Zoom) Kolbe Team Training Session  

30 minute Leader debrief and coaching on how to use Kolbe 

Next steps: 

Confirmation email with instructions to take your Kolbe A assessment online will come in the next 24 hours.  Plan for about 20 minutes to answer the questions. 

After everyone completes their Kolbe A assessments, you will receive a calendar link to schedule your team training session. Must be scheduled within 30 days.  

  • Total payment
  • 1xKolbe Small Team Kickstart$2500

All prices in USD
